Wednesday, December 8, 2010


The problem of the poor drainage system causing land slide, threatening lives and properties. This earth drain divides Nima-east and Mamobi-east and stretches up to the Kanda highway.
Upon our engagement with the government, we were told the Millennium City project takes care of it.

Our periodic clean-up campaigns to sensitize the members of the community on the need to maintain good sanitation practices.

The inauguration of the East Ayawaso Development Committee made up of the Member of Parliament, Sub-metro Director, all the six elected Assembly members, Local Council of Churches,Office of the National Chief Imam of Ahlusunna Wal'Jamah,Mothers' Club and the representatives of the youth all drawn from the East Ayawaso constituency under the chairmanship of the Chairman of the Ayawaso Council of Chiefs.

Cross section of some members of the Grand Assembly of the Federation after having successfully gone through training on Documentation and Report writing organised by Atuguba and Atuguba Associates.

Sunday, December 5, 2010


The Federation in conjunction with the Legal Resources Centre and the Human Anti-Traffic Unit of the Ghana Police Service recently organized a forum for about 200 people including Chiefs and Opinion leaders within the East Ayawaso Constituency of the Greater Accra region in order to educate them on the problem of Human Trafficking as a matter of urgency.
At the forum, it was disclosed that the traffickers work as a network group from the point of departure to various unknown destinations just to outwit their victims. The activity takes place both within the borders of our country and beyond leading to people even losing their kidneys where they are needed without consent.
Keep posted for more information about the scourge.

In line with the passage of the new law governing the conduct of Local Elections under the Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development in conjunction with the Electoral Commission of Ghana, the Federation is planning as a matter of support for local governance to organize a platform for aspiring Assembly and Unit Committee members within the East Ayawaso Constituency.
Again, keep posted for the updates.

Credit: Abdul-Rashid Hafis
(Programmes Officer)

Friday, December 3, 2010


The Federation is made up of the following governing bodies:
  • The Executive Council made up of the:
  1. The President
  2. The Vice-president
  3. The General Secretary
  4. The Deputy General Secretary
  5. The Financial Secretary
  6. The Treasurer
  7. The Organizer and 
  8. The Women's Commissioner
  • The Grand Assembly made up of Senators who represent the various member organizations as well as affiliate members.
  • The Standing Committees such as:
  1. Finance Committee
  2. Organizing Committee
  3. Women's Development Committee
  4. Youth Employment Committee and 
  5. Youth Week Committee

  • The Council of Patrons and 
  • The Legal Advisor

Monday, November 29, 2010


THE FEDERATION OF YOUTH CLUBS is a network of youth organizations in Ghana. It was formed in June, 2002 by about 150 youth clubs within the Nima, Mamobi and Accra Newtown of the East Ayawaso Constituency in the Greater Accra region of Ghana with the following objectives:
  1. uniting all youth and harmonizing their efforts at developmental programming
  2. providing leadership and skills training to the youth
  3. promoting the culture of human rights and civic responsibilities and 
  4. creating job opportunities for the youth
Since its inception, the Federation has intervened in areas such as:
  • good sanitation practice through the organization of clean-up campaigns
  • accessing medical facilities through the registration of the poor with national health insurance scheme
  • capacity training to youth representatives from the various religious groupings in Ghana for interreligious and intercultural co-existence towards peace and sustainable development under the youth solidarity fund of the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations
  • promoted citizen government engagement in the provision of facility such as good drainage system in Nima and Mamobi under the Rights and Voice Initiative of the Dfid
  • built the capacity of community based organizations for increase in local government participation under the European Union Delegation in Ghana
Stay posted for more updates of our interventions
contact: Abdul Rashid Hafis
(Programmes Officer)