Wednesday, December 8, 2010


The problem of the poor drainage system causing land slide, threatening lives and properties. This earth drain divides Nima-east and Mamobi-east and stretches up to the Kanda highway.
Upon our engagement with the government, we were told the Millennium City project takes care of it.

Our periodic clean-up campaigns to sensitize the members of the community on the need to maintain good sanitation practices.

The inauguration of the East Ayawaso Development Committee made up of the Member of Parliament, Sub-metro Director, all the six elected Assembly members, Local Council of Churches,Office of the National Chief Imam of Ahlusunna Wal'Jamah,Mothers' Club and the representatives of the youth all drawn from the East Ayawaso constituency under the chairmanship of the Chairman of the Ayawaso Council of Chiefs.

Cross section of some members of the Grand Assembly of the Federation after having successfully gone through training on Documentation and Report writing organised by Atuguba and Atuguba Associates.

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