Tuesday, May 21, 2013


Hard work they  say does not kill; you only need to persevere and be expectant of the results you set out for yourself to achieve.

We the members of the Federation and especially the Rights and Voice Initiative project team have had to walk through thick and thin at the doorsteps of duty bearers right from public to political officials in trying to marry persuasion with rights, all in the name of advocacy in order to achieve the following results:

  The above is only the first part of the stretch of 1.2 km drain whose original parts have been shown in the previous publication.

The project team have had to endure threats from unknown persons and political branding so as to frustrate our effort but we were least perturbed and remained focused.

The above is the remaining unfinished portion of the drain which we are still making sure that it is completed.

The fact is that, the project had changed hands since its award in the last quarter of 2009, from one contractor known as Caspian Energy Group to another known as Worcul with lots of construction and bureaucratic challenges.    

This project should have been completed by the first quarter of 2012 but for the hiccups in the process. We are still following it with keen interest until every part of the project is completed.

We are very proud that it is the first of its kind in the country vis-a-vis its stretch  with side paths and would therefore want to see it completed.

Credit: Abdul-Rashid  

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