Wednesday, September 24, 2014

a. Legal Registration and Certificate
b. Priority Areas..................................................................................................................3-4
c. Achievements..................................................................................................................4-5
a. Vision
b. Mission Statement..............................................................................................................6
c. Value
d. Organisation’s Goals &
a. Governing
b. The Grand Assembly..........................................................................................................7
c. Responsibilities of the Grand Assembly............................................................................7
d. Advisory Council...............................................................................................................8
e. Management
Executive Director.........................................................................................................................8
Deputy Executive Director.............................................................................................................8
Administrative Director..................................................................................................................9
Programmes Director......................................................................................................................9
Finance Director............................................................................................................................9
Logistics & Membership
Programmes Officer.....................................................................................................................10
Finance Officer............................................................................................................................10
Health, Safety and Environment..................................................................................................11
ADDRESS………………………………………………………………………………….… 12
a. Postal Address..................................................................................................................12
b. Physical Address..............................................................................................................12
c. Mailing Address...............................................................................................................12
d. Contact.............................................................................................................................12
The Federation of Youth Clubs otherwise known as FYC is a non-governmental, non-partisan, nonreligious
and non-discriminatory umbrella network of Youth Clubs and Organizations within the
East Ayawaso Constituency and North Ayawaso Constituency (the East Ayawaso Sub-Metropolitan
FYC was formed in June 2002 by 150 Youth Clubs and Organizations in Accra. The Federation has
its Headquarters at Kawukudi Cultural Park, Kanda – Accra.
FYC has over the past years been involved in Citizen Government Engagement (CGE) by using the
Right Based Approach (RBA), participatory, Human Rights, Campaign against social and
emotional diseases of which Tobacco is part. FYC acts as a pressure, advocacy and advisory group
to ensure that what has to be done is done rightly.
FYC is being headed by a 6 Member Management Team who are voted democratically for a period
of two years and supported by 3 appointed officers. Standing and ad-hoc committees are formed to
support the Management Team. These committees include Finance and Logistics, Gender
Development, Membership Development and Judiciary committee.
a. Legal Registration and Certificate Numbers
 Register generals department, G-16474 issued on the 12th October 2005.
 Department of social welfare, D. S. W. /3382 issued on the 26th July 2007.
 Accra metropolitan assembly, A. 026/10/385 issued on the 22nd February 2007.
 National youth council, YO/GAR/CBO/05/0105 issued on the 23rd February 2005.
b. Priority Areas
 Health • Environment and Sanitation
 Education • Governance
 Youth empowerment • Sports development
 Security utility • Security
 Information Communication Technology
c. Achievements
 The Federation through the support of the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations has
been able to build the capacities of 40 youth leaders selected from the various religious bodies in
the Greater Accra, Ashanti and the Northern regions of Ghana in the areas of interreligious and
intercultural coexistence towards sustainable development.
 The Federation has also been able to bring together duty bearers such as Assembly men,
Member of Parliament, Council of Chiefs, Imams and Local Council of Churches within the East
Ayawaso Constituency under the East Ayawaso Development Committee for effective participation
in local government.
 With support from the Rights and Voice Initiative (RAVI), the Federation has been able to
bring the attention of the central government to the deplorable state of drainage systems within the
Nima-Mamobi communities for remedial measures under the citizen government engagement and
the result of that is the inclusion of these communities into the Millennium City Initiative.
 The Federation engaged the police service in what was termed Community Policing which
brought the police and the community together to discuss security matters which resulted in
harmonizing efforts at enhancing security situation as well as decreasing crime rate in the
community. The offshoot of this intervention can be traced to the activities of the neighborhood
watch committees under the watchful eyes of the police.
 We have helped unearthed talents in sports such as rugby and football through our
occasional Gala competitions which bring the youth together. We can at least boast of 4 players in
the national rugby team as well as the likes of Issah Ahmed and many more in the national soccer
 Our periodic education on Human Rights and Civic Responsibilities has raised awareness
of many human right issues among members of the community leading to the reduction of violence
means of addressing problems.
 Our campaign on help is also enormous. The Federation showed a lot of commitment by
participating in the 14th World Conference on Health or Tobacco in India in the year 2009.
The above are but a few of our achievements as an umbrella organization within a period of 12
years of existence.
a. Vision statement
We strive to achieve the development of human resource particularly the youth to match
growing demands for results oriented leadership in Ghana.
a. Mission statement
Enhancing the capabilities of the youth in particular and the entire citizens of East and
North Ayawaso Constituencies in the face of existing and emerging socio-economic and
human right challenges for better growth and development.
b. Value statement
All our actions and decisions are aligned with our Core Values:
c. Organization’s goals & objectives
The objectives of FYC include but not limited to the following:
 Uniting all the youth organizations and harmonizing their efforts at development
 To provide leadership and skills training to the youth.
 To promote the culture of Human Right and Civic Responsibility among its membership and
 To promote the general welfare of the youth
 To compliment government developmental efforts at the local level
 To provide an equitable platform for citizen government engagement at local and national level.
a. Governing Structure
Executive Director
Deputy Executive Director
Administrative Programmes Finance Director Logistics &Membership
Director Director Director
Administrative Programmes Officer Finance Officer
I. The Grand Assembly
1. The Management Team, Senators and Affiliate members constitute the Grand
2. the Executive Director is the Chairman of the Grand Assembly
3. Two Senators represent every youth organization which is a member of the
Federation in the Grand Assembly as a Senator.
4. All Senators have voting rights at meetings of the Grand Assembly.
5. The Grand Assembly shall meet once every quarter.
6. Notwithstanding the above, the Management Team or Senators from three different organisations
can call for an emergency Grand Assembly meeting.
II. Responsibilities Of The Grand Assembly
1. The Grand Assembly is the highest decision making body of the Federation.
2. The Grand Assembly periodically reviews the Federation’s compliance with its mission and
values statements.
3. The Grand Assembly approves all programmes of the Federation.
4. The Executive Director, on behalf of the Management
Team always present programmes for approval by the Grand Assembly.
III. Advisory Council
The advisory council comprises of the following people:
The Members of Parliament for both Ayawaso East and Ayawaso North Constituencies.
All the Assembly Members within Ayawaso East and Ayawaso North Constituencies.
Chairman of the sub-metro for Ayawaso East and Ayawaso North Constituencies.
A legal Practitioner, who shall also serve as the Legal Officer of the Federation.
Two Religious Leaders.
A representative of the Council of Chiefs within the Ayawaso East and Ayawaso North
The advisory Council is advisory body of the Federation.
b. Management Segment
The organization is governed by the Directors and managed by the following functional
 The Executive Director
 The Deputy Executive Director
 The Administrative Director
 The Programmes Director
 The Finance Director
 The Logistics & Membership Director
 Administrative Officer
 The Programmes Officer
 The Finance Officer
Responsibilities Of The Management Team
Executive Director
1. Assure that the Federation has a long-range strategy which achieves its mission, and toward
which it makes consistent and timely progress.
2. Provide leadership in developing programmes and carry out plans and policies authorized by the
Grand Assembly.
3. Promote active and broad participation by volunteers in all areas of the Federation's work.
4. Perform any other function as may be required by the Grand Assembly.
5. Shall be the head of the Federation and chairs all management meetings.
6. The executive director in consultation with management team and subject to the approval by the
grand assembly shall have the mandate to appoint senators to serve on committees, commissions,
Deputy Executive Director
1. Shall have full delegated authority to act on behalf of the Executive Director in his/her
2. Provides guidance, as requested by the Executive Director, for fundraising and donor
management, business development and partnership activities
3. Shall be responsible for monitoring and evaluation of all the Federation’s activities.
4. Shall perform other duties as requested by the Executive Director and the Grand
Administrative Director
1. Shall be responsible for managing the Federation’s overall daily office operations.
2. Shall be responsible for the production of the FYC Newsletter.
3. To liaise with the Finance Officer to ensure accurate and timely financial statements
4. To coordinate with the Executive Director and in any external networking or donor meetings.
5. Shall convene meetings and be responsible for all secretarial duties during meetings of the
Management Team and the Grand Assembly.
6. Shall perform other duties as requested by the Executive Director and the Grand
Programmes Director
1. Plan the delivery of the overall program and its activities in accordance with the mission and the
goals of the Federation.
2. Develop new initiatives to support the strategic direction of the Federation.
3. Creates and executes project work plans and revises as appropriate to meet changing needs and
4. Develop funding proposals for programs to ensure the continuous delivery of services.
5. Ensure that programme activities operate within the policies and procedures of the
6. Ensures project documents are complete, current, and stored appropriately.
7. Shall perform other duties as requested by the Executive Director and the Grand
Finance Director
1. Shall manage the financial resources of the Federation and conduct resource planning for future
2. Shall prepare yearly financial reports and budget and sends it to the Grand Assembly for
approval on behalf of the Management team.
3. Lead and develop finance teams/committees.
4. Shall prepare all petty cash vouchers for all transactions and purchases with the endorsement of
the Executive Director.
8. Shall perform other duties as requested by the Executive Director and the Grand
Logistics & Membership Director
1. Shall be responsible for organisational matters and the arrangement of logistical issues relating
to the activities of the Federation.
2. Provide support in organization and implementation of community-level activities, including
meetings, capacity building activities, briefings, case conferences, awareness raising, etc.
3. Shall design and implement strategies in attracting, maintaining and boosting the
Membership of the Federation.
4. Shall be the primary liaison officer between the Federation and the affiliate organization on all
membership issues.
5. Shall perform other duties as requested by the Executive Director and the Grand
Administrative Officer
1. Shall assist the Administrative Director in his/her duties.
2. Shall be responsible for the running of the social media platforms of the Federation
(such as website, face book, twitter, etc)
3. Shall perform other duties as requested by the Executive Director and the Grand
Assembly in consultation with the Administrative Director.
Programmes Officer
1. Shall assist the Programmes Director in his/her duties.
2. Shall be the research Officer of the Federation whose duties shall include:
a. Searching for and retrieving information from paper-based sources, the internet, online database,
b. Keeping up-to-date with research/policy developments.
3. Shall perform other duties as requested by the Executive Director and the Grand
Assembly in consultation with the Programmes Director.
Finance Officer
1. Shall assist the Finance Director in his/her duties.
2. Shall be responsible for Internal Controls and Quality Assurance of financial information.
3. Shall perform other duties as requested by the Executive Director and the Grand
Assembly in consultation with the Finance Director.
a. Commitment
The Grand Assembly, together with its constituents, are committed to
championing for the provision of the basic needs of the Community
b. Health, Safety and Environment
We carry out our work without the causing of harm to people or the environment.
c. Sustainability
We are committed to the principle of sustainability and interact pro-actively with
our community and our constituent bodies.
d. Operations
The Federation of Youth Clubs operates according to the principle of BAEEP
(Best Available Economic and Environmental Practice).
a. Postal Address:
The Federation of Youth Clubs
P.O.Box TUC 124
TU-Accra, Ghana
b. Physical Address:
Muslim Family Counseling Service (MFCS) Building
Near the East Ayawaso Sub-Metro Office
On the Olusegun Obasanjo Way
c.Mailing Address:
+233 (0) 200224475
+233 (0) 276011427

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